

Posted by littleplayer on May 16, 2019




关于精中教育上线,精中教育是给多个品牌的总部与分校提供手机端办公能力一个app,由于没有注册功能,时不时会被Apple审核员Reject metadata,下面是我对审核的解释。


  • Who is the target audience? The App is providing for our brands. The app is used by students and their parents, branch teachers and school administrators. 精中在线是给各个品牌(番茄田、touchBox、精韩家访)提供线上服务的app,这个app的使用者有学生和学生家长,分校老师,学校的管理者。

  • How do users obtain an account? Since our courses are purchased offline, parents’accounts become our members by purchasing courses, and we will open an account for them. Teachers and managers create and distribute schools according to the opening of affiliated branch schools. 由于我们的课程是线下购买,家长的账号通过购买课程成为我们的会员,我们会给他开通一个账号。 老师、管理者根据加盟分校开通而创建下发。

  • Is this app meant for internal distribution in your own company, in the company of one target client, or in multiple target clients’ companies? No, this app is more for parents and students. School teachers are only partially involved. 不是,这个app更多的是为家长和学生提供服务,学校老师只是部分参与。

  • In which countries will this app primarily be distributed? Mainland of China. 目前只在中国大陆。

  • If this app is meant for internal distribution, will the app be accessible by both internal and external partners? Or will it be exclusive to in-house employees? No, this app is an app that serves our members ( students and their parents) and staff. 不是内部分发,这个app是给我们的会员和工作人员提供服务的app。